A proper democracy like the Swiss have would not have a problem with any referendums!
John Kennedy
12:15:53 02/09/2024
Enough is enough!
Tina Melville
09:19:58 02/09/2024
We need to stop illegal entry and have stronger vetting for legal immigration. We are over capacity and in crisis.
Helen Fenwick
09:12:49 02/09/2024
Something must be done... it's crippling this country!
Charles Hone
08:51:33 02/09/2024
Enough is definitely enough.
Shirley Finneran
08:37:16 02/09/2024
You are spending our money irresponsibly. You are punishing the group you know will never vote for you. You are taxing and double taxing people’s hard earned and hard saved cash. You lie by omission and are avoiding answers to questions you are asked. Go!
Nicholas Baker
08:27:31 02/09/2024
Legal and illegal migration from outside of Europe needs to be halted for the next 50 years, unless a high value migrant is required.
Europeans should be encouraged to increase our population by having more European children - the way it used to be!
Nigel Brunsdon
08:16:14 02/09/2024
We need our voice to be heard not silenced, British and proud, but not racist, just nationalist!
Luke Paskins
08:14:50 02/09/2024
Our country is more supportive of everyone that's not British. It has to change now!
Carl Entwistle
07:58:43 02/09/2024
We need smart, skilled based and sensible migration levels and not what we're all currently witnessing.
Colin Lockton
07:54:30 02/09/2024
The UK is an island. Stop filling it with people who don't belong here, don't want to integrate, assimilate or contribute to our society and embrace our cultures.
Cheryl Osborn
07:43:14 02/09/2024
We demand to be heard!
Karen Leek
07:32:44 02/09/2024
I'm worried about my granddaughter's future. We need to end all immigration now, legal and illegal. Enough is enough.
Craig Oliver
07:01:41 02/09/2024
Signed and pray something good comes of it. I miss the stories of my grandparents telling how great it was to live in the country. It's now in the toilet.
Martin Parker
06:09:17 02/09/2024
Out of control and illegal immigration is making our so called leaders/government make cuts against our own hard working citizens and pensioners.
John Richards
05:54:26 02/09/2024
On average 650,000 immigrants (legal and illegal) each year since 2004 - crazy! What about the 1.7 million unemployed? *Reform the benefit system so people are made to work! Every facet of life is adversely affected by mass immigration. It's so depressing!
Julie Maguire
05:53:52 02/09/2024
Enough is enough!
Michelle Walker
05:21:15 02/09/2024
These immigrants are destroying Britain, get them out.
David Elwood
04:12:38 02/09/2024
Illegal immigration is illegal and should not be facilitated by the government but stopped.
Christina O'Reilly
23:45:11 01/09/2024
These major issues should be open to referendums.
Maxine Dwyer
22:16:55 01/09/2024
This cannot continue. We're being invaded. I honestly believe our country is in trouble and that there will be a Muslim uprising within the next 10 years unless something is done to stop the Islamisation of our towns and cities. Not racist, scared!
Richard buchanan
21:07:54 01/09/2024
There needs to be an urgent referendum on immigration.
William Selfe
21:03:08 01/09/2024
Absolutely. Then finally the people might get a say in regards to what they think of immigration.
Adam Douglas
20:53:21 01/09/2024
Our home should be ours to determine the future of.
Mick Cooper
20:12:51 01/09/2024
These people are breaking the law by entering the country illegally. Deport them and only accept people who enter the country by applying to do so legally.
Bridie Hudson
19:42:31 01/09/2024
Good luck
Philip Plant
19:24:25 01/09/2024
Time to act!
Ian Tough
19:03:47 01/09/2024
Stop the illegals!
Carol Bewick
18:54:11 01/09/2024
Stop this invasion!
Stephan Watts
18:51:57 01/09/2024
We were never asked. It's about time we were.
Anthony James
18:37:41 01/09/2024
I'm not against immigrants coming here, but it must be through legal channels or they're not eligible to stay, get any benefits, money or housing. They'll be considered as invaders.
Gary Clifford
18:35:58 01/09/2024
I'm not far right or EDL, just very concerned.
Steve Horner
18:26:05 01/09/2024
Let’s make everyone aware of this… share it and encourage others to do so.
Maureen Sweeney
18:24:05 01/09/2024
All illegals immigrants need to be removed. Legal immigration needs to be lower and better controlled.
Vince Jenns
18:15:20 01/09/2024
This country have had too much immigration in the last 27 years since Blair came to power and as a result of that, communities are changing at a rapid pace and it time to close the borders.
Viv Morgan
18:12:46 01/09/2024
Too many people, smashing luxury hotels, demanding houses, pestering children and females, rape, stabbing, breaking policewoman's nose and saying it’s only a woman, trying to impose Islam on us, banning dogs, our elderly freeze and ex-military homeless.
Vera B. Saunders
18:11:05 01/09/2024
I'll do what I can by signing this, but with such a lazy Govt who won't move themselves to sort things properly, I'll just languish in hope.
Kevin Williams
17:54:43 01/09/2024
We didn't ask for this, so why do we have it? Illegal iregular immigration.
Jamie Sanchez
17:33:28 01/09/2024
We were never asked if we wanted our country to be colonised by half of the world. Our society did not need this change. We’ll never know how our culture would have developed if it had remained homogenous.
Brian Norkett
17:31:19 01/09/2024
We do not have the infrastructure to cope with this influx. We lack GP’s, hospitals and housing. The tax payers should not be funding hotels when we have British born living on the streets.
Daniel Beaumont
17:15:10 01/09/2024
Good luck with your campaign.
Trevor Teale
17:07:33 01/09/2024
Let the voice of the British people be heard.
Andy Walton
16:54:20 01/09/2024
As soon as possible!
Sue Owen
16:48:46 01/09/2024
Successive politicians have promised to deal with this issue then when elected have failed to deliver. Not only that, they have sought to circumvent the will of the people by stealth. Migration is now completely out of control. We were NEVER asked!
Margaret Painter
16:42:50 01/09/2024
We were never asked!
Caroline Peck
16:41:53 01/09/2024
We deserve to have a say!
Diane Morcom
16:11:52 01/09/2024
Fingers crossed for the right result.
Christopher Blockley
16:09:49 01/09/2024
Enough is enough, we a losing our culture and our identity due to illegal migration from a demographic that refuses to become part of our community and instead is calling for its own laws etc.
Peter Pearson
12:41:41 02/09/2024
John Kennedy
12:15:53 02/09/2024
Tina Melville
09:19:58 02/09/2024
Helen Fenwick
09:12:49 02/09/2024
Charles Hone
08:51:33 02/09/2024
Shirley Finneran
08:37:16 02/09/2024
Nicholas Baker
08:27:31 02/09/2024
Nigel Brunsdon
08:16:14 02/09/2024
Luke Paskins
08:14:50 02/09/2024
Carl Entwistle
07:58:43 02/09/2024
Colin Lockton
07:54:30 02/09/2024
Cheryl Osborn
07:43:14 02/09/2024
Karen Leek
07:32:44 02/09/2024
Craig Oliver
07:01:41 02/09/2024
Martin Parker
06:09:17 02/09/2024
John Richards
05:54:26 02/09/2024
Julie Maguire
05:53:52 02/09/2024
Michelle Walker
05:21:15 02/09/2024
David Elwood
04:12:38 02/09/2024
Christina O'Reilly
23:45:11 01/09/2024
Maxine Dwyer
22:16:55 01/09/2024
Richard buchanan
21:07:54 01/09/2024
William Selfe
21:03:08 01/09/2024
Adam Douglas
20:53:21 01/09/2024
Mick Cooper
20:12:51 01/09/2024
Bridie Hudson
19:42:31 01/09/2024
Philip Plant
19:24:25 01/09/2024
Ian Tough
19:03:47 01/09/2024
Carol Bewick
18:54:11 01/09/2024
Stephan Watts
18:51:57 01/09/2024
Anthony James
18:37:41 01/09/2024
Gary Clifford
18:35:58 01/09/2024
Steve Horner
18:26:05 01/09/2024
Maureen Sweeney
18:24:05 01/09/2024
Vince Jenns
18:15:20 01/09/2024
Viv Morgan
18:12:46 01/09/2024
Vera B. Saunders
18:11:05 01/09/2024
Kevin Williams
17:54:43 01/09/2024
Jamie Sanchez
17:33:28 01/09/2024
Brian Norkett
17:31:19 01/09/2024
Daniel Beaumont
17:15:10 01/09/2024
Trevor Teale
17:07:33 01/09/2024
Andy Walton
16:54:20 01/09/2024
Sue Owen
16:48:46 01/09/2024
Margaret Painter
16:42:50 01/09/2024
Caroline Peck
16:41:53 01/09/2024
Diane Morcom
16:11:52 01/09/2024
Christopher Blockley
16:09:49 01/09/2024
Michael Joseph Tracey
16:06:07 01/09/2024
Mark Leatherbarrow
16:00:40 01/09/2024